
Blog Archive

Wednesday 27 January 2016


Screening「Y/OUR MUSIC」

2014 / Thailand / co-directed, produced by Waraluck Hiransrettawat Every and David Reeve / with English & Japanese subtitles
Y/OUR MUSICY/OUR MUSIC immerses itself in the world of Thai music, from traditional music to labor songs and classical pop to urban indie music, spanning different locals and generations. As nine musicians each display their music, the rural or urban environments that influenced their sound are explored. The hands that play traditional instruments amid the red dust clouds, the labor songs being hummed in front of grains awaiting harvest, and the indie music born out of concrete basements create a melodious ecosystem. While they inhabit different musical worlds the musicians are connected by the same passion to bring their artistic aspirations to the fore and survive in the outskirts of the mainstream.

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